Did you know that God made you for Himself? He designed you with His plan in mind. So no matter where you find yourself. Let me tell you, it has been a rough start to the year! And I apologize for not writing sooner, but over the last two weeks this crazy insomnia took over and it’s been hard to simply get through the day. Whether in a rut, hill, valley, lacking sleep, or mountaintop, He is there for you. He is present (not just a feeling of being there), but a constant supernatural presence. Someone to run to. You are His. That is if you simply commit your life to Him, believe He is who He says He is, in what He did at the cross, and choose to live for Him… He will be there to guide you from start to finish. Every single day. Sometimes when I come to the end of me is the only time I can truly find Him. The beautiful thing is that as you lean on Him more and more, your...