Did you know that God made you for Himself? He designed you with His plan in mind. So no matter where you find yourself.
Let me tell you, it has been a rough start to the year! And I apologize for not writing sooner, but over the last two weeks this crazy insomnia took over and it’s been hard to simply get through the day.
Whether in a rut, hill, valley, lacking sleep, or mountaintop, He is there for you. He is present (not just a feeling of being there), but a constant supernatural presence. Someone to run to. You are His. That is if you simply commit your life to Him, believe He is who He says He is, in what He did at the cross, and choose to live for Him… He will be there to guide you from start to finish. Every single day. Sometimes when I come to the end of me is the only time I can truly find Him. The beautiful thing is that as you lean on Him more and more, your “plan” becomes His will for you. How cool! As I fall back on Him, He lifts me up.
The gospel is so much simpler than we make it out to be. “I see Jesus in your eyes.” What if our goal as Christ followers was to bless those we come into contact with? How do I show Jesus? Well, I would say by being a light. In the home, and in the community. And especially to those who need Jesus. How am I responding here in this situation? How do I change so I can do and say things that would glorify Christ instead of myself?
Continually. I mean, as a stay at home mom I don’t get out much and many times; I grow weary of not “doing” things. I struggle with insomnia, my brain chemistry is a little off, and I’m not a creative cook! Honestly that last fact is hardest as I try to provide for my two growing boys! However, sometimes I think God is most glorified with the day to day of life. The everyday things. None of us are faithful, only He is. But I know it brings a smile to His glorious face when He says, “Hey look! See Becky right there? Do you see how her heart always turns back to me? Yeah! I like that!”
You see? What if I was not put here for others or for myself… but ultimately for Him to enjoy? When is the last time you found satisfaction in that you are a child of the Risen King? That He is totally crazy in love with you and who you are becoming in Him? There is such joy in recognizing that I belong to Him. That He enjoys me. There is no greater love than this. NONE. It’s not about how I see myself or how others see me. That should not be where I draw my joy or satisfaction. He loves me more than the moon and stars He created. The God who Sees—El Roi—the God who knows when even a sparrow falls, the one who created the rushing rivers and is just really all about me…. He delights in me. O that I could always keep that my focal point.
He died for me. I must live for Him.
This prayer that I found was especially good as it talks about total reliance on my Savior.
“Lord, I praise you for you know the whole story. From beginning to end, You see it all. Give me the humility to admit my limitations. For I don’t always see the past accurately, my vision of the present is often blurred, and I am blind when it comes to the future. Help me fasten my eyes on You, trusting in Your vision for my life and in Your watchful care.”