
Let Your Little Light Shine

By on May 26, 2016 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

There is a lot of confusion in Christendom about how God’s plan works together with my free will. All I wanted to say regarding that is this. God’s mind is infinitely larger and His plan is grander than my puny little mind could ever understand. So if he somehow weaves trillions of people together so that His perfect plan can come about, well then, who am I to question that? Sometimes I wonder if that even as believers get together and worry and debate about this topic and the like, God sits up in heaven and quietly laughs to Himself (covering His mouth of course as only He can do, discreetly). I know that God doesn’t really laugh like that (or does he?) but I do think that most of what we fight about is silly. In this case, this subject of God’s ultimate sovereignty is already set. Nothing anyone can do or say can change it in the slightest. If you or I choose...

A Love Complete

By on May 9, 2016 in Eternal Thoughts | 7 comments

This is His everlasting love story. Written to me and to you. 2 Chronicles 6:18 But will God really dwell on earth with men? The heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain You. How much less this temple I have built? (Selah… think on this). Tonight I have been thinking about this beautiful verse I ran across earlier today. The thought that the Spirit of God that resides in me and in you—this God that cannot be contained in any capacity and whose mind cannot by explained by human wisdom—this God whose love is so immense in it’s enormity for each of His children that even all the oceans of the world cannot begin to contain it. How incredibly awesome is He? Isaiah 54: 5, 7-8 For your Maker is your husband-the Lord Almighty is His name- the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; He is called the God of all the earth . . . For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep...