
Let Your Little Light Shine

By on May 26, 2016 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

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There is a lot of confusion in Christendom about how God’s plan works together with my free will. All I wanted to say regarding that is this. God’s mind is infinitely larger and His plan is grander than my puny little mind could ever understand. So if he somehow weaves trillions of people together so that His perfect plan can come about, well then, who am I to question that? Sometimes I wonder if that even as believers get together and worry and debate about this topic and the like, God sits up in heaven and quietly laughs to Himself (covering His mouth of course as only He can do, discreetly). I know that God doesn’t really laugh like that (or does he?) but I do think that most of what we fight about is silly. In this case, this subject of God’s ultimate sovereignty is already set. Nothing anyone can do or say can change it in the slightest.

If you or I choose not to follow God’s plan, He will then choose to use someone else to accomplish the same thing. I know it’s hard to hear that because we like to think that we are the answer to the world about certain things. But the truth is, God can use anyone, wherever they are at. Sometimes God even uses wicked leaders to accomplish His purposes.  I can think of several world leaders that He is using currently that do not belong to Him.

I think the most beautiful part is that even though it’s true that God loves me with everything in His Almighty heart, He also doesn’t “need” me in order to see His plans come into fruition. I do know that He loves it when I allow myself to be used by Him. But, just to reiterate, God’s plan speaks for itself. I don’t need to try to make up stuff to make it sound good or search my cranial cavity trying to help people understand what I am saying. An example of this would be the gospel or correction or encouragement. I know God loves to use me in His plan and I’m excited about that!

So I didn’t want to make this long, I just wanted to encourage you to let God use you in the day to day. In the ordinary tasks like changing diapers, cleaning up messes, laundry, or working at the office/school etc… Let God use your little light to shine so bright for Him that the world doesn’t know what to do with it! May you be so overjoyed in His presence that people beg you to define what you mean when you say you are a “Christian.” (That happened to me once.)

Lastly, I wanted to rejoice with you, my beloved readers, that God has been using me mightily for His name and great pleasure. This has been happening three specific times these least few days. First was in church on Sunday when the enemy was once again trying to make me feel guilty about how many times I’ve spent time with God recently. Thank God for my salvation and that His great work in me is not dependent on my works! Anyway, so this voice has come many times before while I’m trying to worship my Jesus. This time though, God said “Becky, I want you.” (Like right now, no strings attached. He is a God of the present and the future, no the past!) I was then able to worship Him and He even gave me a glimpse of His glory which I am still trying to understand as far as the complete meaning. Then Tuesday I met a nice couple with their little boy at the park and we were swapping stories about what we wanted to do “someday.” So I told them about my boys miraculous start in life and how God provided through my 5 week extended hospital stay, preterm labor, brain surgery, post par tum etc. And I just let go and let God speak through me to this couple! And then today at Play Plus with good friends of ours I was able to witness of God’s ultimate provision as I shared with the lady that worked there how He saved me from certain death (a coma) in the summer of 2000. Her left side was totally paralyzed from a stroke. So I shared about learning to walk and talk and move again after the coma. I told her about the boys coming too. But I mean, it was so cool because the whole point of this post is to, once again, point to God! And His love and mercy. How He has saved us in spite of our constant sin and mess ups. What an incredible God I get to call Daddy. Love Him from the bottom of my heart!

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