
A Promise Fulfilled

By on Jun 25, 2016 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

Many times I write under what I call “inspiration,” but today I want to write to you because this last week has been so good. There is such a finality in the the word “good,” isn’t there? When God made Adam and finished with Creation, He said, “It is good.” Not great, not fantastic, but just “good.” How perfect is that? When Paul fell on the road to Damascus and was struck with blindness, that was “good.” When Esther became Queen of Persia, though a young Jewish maiden in a pagan land, that was good, wasn’t it? And finally when Peter reached out his hand to the Lord, and said “Help me! I am drowning!” That was good too. Jesus saved him. Many times we feel like Daniel in the Lion’s Den, so unsure of what is up ahead, that we have trouble trusting the One who made us for the future. I think of...

He’s a Good Good Father

By on Jun 12, 2016 in Eternal Thoughts | 2 comments

What comes to your mind when you are reminded of when Jesus said to His disciples, “I will never leave or forsake you?” It may not seem like it, but this is a very important promise that Jesus gave us because He is saying that if you are His child, His residence is permanent in your heart. He won’t wake up one day and decide to leave. This is huge! The permanency of this statement speaks volumes because it shows that His promise to never leave doesn’t depend on what I do or don’t do, but rather goes back to who He is. He is awesome and mighty, kind and forgiving. He is love. His loving-kindness and grace are amazing. He is always faithful and always has a plan. He desires the best for you and wants to see you grow closer and closer to Him. It’s important to let Him do that by abiding in Him. John 15:4-5 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot...