When you think of REST, what do you think of? A lazy afternoon nap with your toddler? Waking up after a full night’s sleep, refreshed and ready to go? Coffee? (LOL) That nodding head in the back of your college class? The first definition of the word “rest” from Miriam-Webster is: repose, sleep; specifically: (and) a bodily state characterized by minimal functional and metabolic activities. So you might agree sleep can be a great kind of rest, but if not coupled with a disciplined life, good sleep alone is not enough. The kind of rest I want to hone in on here is completion, complete satisfaction with who I am and where I am going, and contentedness. Sometimes it’s nice to have a “Selah” moment, but in this day and age, and especially with video games, Pokemon GO, schedules, agendas… these brief moments of reflection get forgotten. We forget...