Hello to all. I pray this finds you and yours well. I’ve been through the ringer these last two months, but my God is faithful to satisfy my every need. He always knows best. I wanted to start with a prayer I wrote while I wasn’t home.
Thank You for all that You are. Thank You for loving me, just as I am. I know that You always hold me and in need or in plenty, I know You always care for me. Help me be content and learn patience. Walk beside me, Lord. Help me see through Your eyes. You are simply the best. Open up my eyes to see and understand things of You. Draw me close to You, Oh God. Help me know You better. Love You so much my Jesus.
Don’t let anyone fool you, it was very very hard being away from my husband and children. So many lonely nights and days where I was thirsty for any kind of hope that tomorrow would be different. I struggle sometimes with being content. The Lord would sometimes remind me that He IS my hope. I almost start crying just reading that. He sent people to help me. He always, ALWAYS knows best.
One of my favorite passages is from 1 Samuel 2:8, “He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; seating them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. ‘For the foundations of the earth are the Lord’s; upon them He has set the world.'” This song of deliverance is sung by Hannah, Elkanah’s wife who waited about 7 years before she had Samuel. God blessed her with seven children. I know in my heart that God supplied Hannah with strength and joy.
I know in my very being that God is with those that suffer for His name. I know it’s hard in the moment to realize His presence, but might I encourage you to dig a little deeper? The I Am is carrying you as you are afflicted. So many times I thought, What’s the Use? This road is too long. I can’t make it, God. There must be some other way! There were times I didn’t feel His hand on me. But ingrained in me from being at this place so often, is the ability to simply hang on. The why is not always important. Just trust the Hand that holds yours. My Jesus loves me just as I am.
July 14, 2017
Life away from our heavenly home is hard- sad, difficult things are always happening. As you said, the simple act of remaining alive through a trial gives us the tenacity to hang on through the next one.
It is all happening in the palm of God’s hand, breathing the oxygen He provides.
And we are more than conquerors!
July 15, 2017
Survival mode is exactly where I find myself. Sometimes no one can understand what I need, and it is hard to express accurately what I need from my loved ones. I love what you said about breathing the oxygen He provides in His hand. What a beautiful place to be though, in His loving hands. How desperately beautiful to be able to realize I just need to be in His hand. Thanks!
July 16, 2017
I think what we humans often forget is that God understands our humanly limitations. Much like David cried out in the Psalms, God does not expect us to be on the mountain top all of the time. God just expects us to hope and trust that he has it all under control and that it is okay to be in the valley for a period of time. I don’t know exactly what you are going through but I know that I have struggled so much with understanding that it is okay to not be okay. i also have come to the realization that it is also okay to ask for and receive help. I see a counselor every two weeks. I struggle with depression and anxiety regularly. I am also on medication that helps me get through daily life without having regular panic attacks and anxiety attacks. This does not make me weak. It simply makes me human. God loves you Becky the way you are. It is okay to not be okay. It won’t always be that way. There is a slight climb until you see your next mountain top.
Peace and Love,
July 16, 2017
I know that what you say is true. I believe that in not being OK God gets more of the glory. I know God uses my bipolar for me to see Him better. I’m doing well now. I wonder where I know you from, Amelia.
July 22, 2017
You know me from Calvary Youth group back in the day! Ask micheal and he can refresh you!
July 23, 2017
Yes! Of course I remember you. Good to hear from you! I hope you are enjoying my blog. My new blog will be coming out this weekend looks like. You are subscribed right, Amelia?
July 16, 2017
Your words encouraged me Tonight , Becky. My road ahead is going to be tough but I will “dig a little deeper”. I will praise Him through the storm. Thank you for being so vulnerable and honest.
July 16, 2017
Dig a little deeper indeed! Trust Him each step of the way.
July 21, 2017
Becky this was my favorite part “Just trust the Hand that holds yours. My Jesus loves me just as I am.” So much power in those two statements. Thank you for your encouraging words.
July 21, 2017
Thank you Brother. It is so awesome how Jesus holds each of our hands when we go through things. Abba Daddy is like that. He loves to help each step of the way if we will let Him. Love you Big Bro!