
A Fresh Start

By on Aug 13, 2017 in Eternal Thoughts | 2 comments

Many times I wonder what to do. From anything like timing of things to the order of things to happen, I know Who to get my wisdom from. This short prayer is from my journal asking God for wisdom. God, Please give me wisdom for each day on how to be. I need Your help on this. Sometimes I don’t represent You right. Please give me courage on how to tackle my problems each day. I need Your wisdom, God. Love, Becky How many times do I need to ask for wisdom? Or how many times do I wish I had asked for wisdom but didn’t-and later regretted it? When I would run on wet pavement by the swimming pool as a little girl, my mom would warn me, “You are going to slip and fall!” Now if I heeded her voice, I would by fine. But if I didn’t, I could scrape up my knees or run into another kid. Another example is this. When I left for college, I was dating someone my college...

My Sweet Sweet Song

By on Aug 3, 2017 in Eternal Thoughts | 4 comments

Hello my dear readers. Today as I was doing my quiet time, I was so floored by Jesus’s love for even me, and it brought me to tears. He is so perfect and good, even when I am not. All my problems are nothing for the sake of knowing Him. The things that weigh me down hurt His heart too! Like a loving father, His presence comforts and guides. He is my steady hand, my Rock on which I stand. I was begging Him to let me see Him more, and He did in that moment. I know that whatever I go through, He is there with me, helping me and directing me in the way I should go. Maybe one way to think of it is like jumping into a swimming pool. As I jump off the ledge, body catapulting into the air, I then come down and the water envelops and refreshes me, just like His presence does. It isn’t difficult to understand, is it reader? Having Jesus in your heart and life is so incredible and...