
A Great Catch

By on Oct 29, 2017 in Eternal Thoughts | 4 comments

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I don’t know about you, but sometimes the Great Commission is hard to fulfill. I’ll be going about my day, doing this and that, and the Spirit of God will prompt me to share with a stranger His gospel. Sometimes I try to ask questions about God, and it flops into the stranger not understanding my question. The other day I was trying to be bold with these three new friends I met near our apartment. I said, “Do you know God?” The one girl said “I talk to Him all the time, I’m always with Him.” Her response was good, but I know that just because someone says they talk to God, does it really mean they know Him fully? I’m going to try this week to be more bold with strangers. After all, people are way more curious than you would think about Spirituality.

People are going to hell fast, so who are we to stand by and watch instead of doing something about it? Share on X

What if I became more like my friend Christine, and instead of hesitating every time I asked someone if they knew Christ, I simply said “Do you know Jesus?” to everyone I came across? I know there are some situations that would be difficult to share, but I’m a mom so I see different people everyday day of different kinds. My friend Christine has a beautiful heart and just shares about Jesus with whoever she meets. People are wanting clarity! They are wanting direction and hope! People are going to hell fast, so who are we to stand by and watch instead of doing something about it?

In my heart I have a desire to know Jesus fuller and more completely and to bring people to Jesus by making Him known to others. I want people to look at my life and scratch their head and say, “She knows Jesus? I want to know this Jesus.” I wanted to share with you a picture Jesus gave me. Here it is:

Jesus in living color has a load of fish in His net or blanket. Then He thrusts it upward and the fish go outward and everywhere.

You may smile and think this is funny, but this is the Great Commission depicting the gospel going outward from my life, our lives. Now that’s a great catch!

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  1. Amy

    October 29, 2017

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    Awesome encouragement to be more real with people we meet. After all, there’s nothing more real than Jesus!

    • rob

      October 30, 2017

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      Let your light shine before men that Christ might be honored. You do and you can. You go gurl

      • Becky Frye

        November 2, 2017

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        Thanks Dad. I’m honored to serve our great big God, even in small ways. My goal is to bring Him glory. I know my heart is steadfast. Love you Dad.

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