The saga to my life never ends. Limitations are a part of my life currently, and yet I’m always trying to see the light and wisdom of my restrictions. I realize why I need them, but I have to continue learning they are for my good. God is a good God. Plus if you surround yourself with the great people I have in my life, you know you can trust that they want your best in mind. Learning to be content in all parts of life is hard! But I have great family and a few friends that I do life with who cheer me on. Enjoy this piece! Why O why must I rectify my hopeless situation? As if we still had more time to lose. Now I’m working 9-5 like I can earn my own salvation. Searching, wanting, waiting for what? For someone to take my hand and walk toward the light. There is too much darkness in this world we call home. Why can’t we work together for the common good of seeing people...