
I Have Set my Heart

By on Jun 20, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him. This is a very intriguing concept. That the Maker of the heavens and the earth, a God who knows my name and still chooses to love me and work through me… A God who sees all and uses the weak to lead the strong-this God wants to be with me? Wow. A God who acts on my behalf and mediates for me… this is a God worth knowing! He is a God worth everything it takes to serve Him. You know we serve a God worth our time. He has all the time in the world and still chooses to love me. I know He is like this because I see the birds fly and tweet, the squirrels gathering nuts and by seeing the oceans roar with the power of the Most High. That’s how I know He lives. I look at what He has made and I think, “Wow, a God like this One wants to know me? Wants to use me in His Almighty plan?” This is a God worth every part of my...

The Hard Rain

By on Jun 8, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

I love the way the earth is after a good hard rain, don’t you? Everything is so new and fresh! You can just feel the newness to it. The birds sing, the brook trickles water, crickets chirp and everything is fresh and upcoming. The sun comes out to play again. Isn’t the Lord incredible and wonderful? If you took all the people that have ever lived and put all their power into one power it wouldn’t equal the power and might of our God! He is all powerful and I just love being with Him all throughout my day. His love always wins and His righteousness through all generations. He is holy, mighty, awesome and incredible and full of might. He sees each tear that falls and puts them into a bottle. Share on X In all this, we see how fully intricate He is. He fashions each person in the womb, He paints the skies with a rainbow after a good hard rain. He sees each tear that...

The Ultimate Roadmap

By on Jun 1, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

Lately I’m running a marathon. All along the way there are warning signs and helpful hints at how to live a better life with no roadblocks. Sometimes I want to stuff my ears with cotton and throw out my arms and let Him guide me. Sometimes I get ahead of myself and those roadblocks keep me from slipping and falling flat on my face. Life is all about rhythm and blues, sometimes it’s great and I want to yell from the mountaintop. Other times I find myself crying through the pouring rain. Sometimes I want to sing and whistle contentedly as I mosey down the lane. Other times my tear drops fall through the cracks of the gutter and there is no one to mop up my tears. Friends are nice, but family is best to share real life issues and joys, triumphs, and sorrows and problems. Jesus is IT, my All-Consuming Fire and He deserves all my love, triumphs and shortcomings-He is my...