
I Have Set my Heart

By on Jun 20, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

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God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him. This is a very intriguing concept. That the Maker of the heavens and the earth, a God who knows my name and still chooses to love me and work through me… A God who sees all and uses the weak to lead the strong-this God wants to be with me? Wow. A God who acts on my behalf and mediates for me… this is a God worth knowing! He is a God worth everything it takes to serve Him.

You know we serve a God worth our time. He has all the time in the world and still chooses to love me. I know He is like this because I see the birds fly and tweet, the squirrels gathering nuts and by seeing the oceans roar with the power of the Most High. That’s how I know He lives. I look at what He has made and I think, “Wow, a God like this One wants to know me? Wants to use me in His Almighty plan?” This is a God worth every part of my journey with Him. Indeed! When I set my heart on Him, instead of the chaos around me, I see His eyes staring straight into mine. And when the enemy is wearing on my nerves I must remember that He is a God who sees and knows everything. This God is the King of my heart, the Fountain I drink from… Oh He is my song!

I know it may not sound perfect. And it isn’t by any means. As a Christ Follower, I serve God with everything I have in me. I am not perfect. I have shortcomings and faults, but I know for sure that God works in spite of them. Here’s a excerpt from my journal.

“Lord! You have brought me so far. You have helped me along the way. You have helped me with each step and all parts of my life I know You are there. You are the BEST present I could ask for. I just love you so much. You mean so much to me. God, continue to be all I want, all I need. You are so incredible. I love you with my whole self.



I hope you enjoyed my blog! Tell all your friends to read it. Remember to set your heart on Him. That’s it for now!

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