
The Pace of Life

By on Jul 19, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

Everyone these days has a watch, or at least a cell phone they can check. Everyone these days are in a hurry. Tick-tock tick-tock. And for what? Why are we so in a hurry? Is it that we are go, go, go for selfish reasons? Is it because we are trying to give part of our selves to too many people? There needs to be a healthy mix between giving and taking time to do personal things. Right now, my kids are in bed and I should be in the shower but instead I find myself wanting to write to you. The pace of life should always be checked by personal needs, giving to others, and taking enough time to rest. It is important to go for it, to achieve and exceed goals and expectations. But there will always be room for that. Make sure to take time for personal development. There will be a time to dream and a time to reach for the stars. But right now let us start at square one. A baby has to learn to...