Sometimes I am inclined to think this life is all about me. Every part is so invigorating but life can get super tough at times. Hard and sometimes downright nasty. There are great things, wonderful things that make me write songs, and then there is a death in the family, so to speak. Where someone I dearly loved left us to her demise. Am I right? Some things in life that happen to us are too wonderful to explain. A smile at the grocery store, an encouraging word from an unlikely friend, or a hug from a trusted ally and new relationships help make the day better. The ups and downs of life (which I’ve written about before) crowd in and suffocate us either positively or negatively.
So what is it then about people and relationships that drive us to succeed or fail? Hold your friends close and your enemies closer, right? So why all the drama in between these moments? Must we suffer from snap shots of our existence like skipping through a mine field? Or is there a way to avoid the shock part of switching gears? Can I really monatenize the pendulum of my heart? Really? Somethings I can control but how many more I can’t, can I? There are so many more things I can’t control than can.
Search your heart. Is there something or somethings you are holding close that God is calling you to let go of or become free of? I know with me if I forget to pray for a few days, miss church more than one week at a time, or forget to have an attitude of gratitude I end up suffering. Not only that, but the people around me-ie my kids, husband and even my friends begin to wonder how I am doing?! The more I don’t let go and let God all these things and more start to suffer.
SO what do you gather from all this? If my heart is one to wander and stray, then how will that affect my relationships and my love life and my biggest relationship with the Holy One? But wait, there is good news! If I can choose to let go of the the things I can’t control and instead to cling to the One who made me and knows me through and through… If I can trust Him and hunger for His word while having a heart of worship, then Scripture says I can move mountains. If Jesus desires to always be number 1 on the throne of our hearts and always be involved with me, a sinner… Well I can bank on Him having my back when times get tough. I choose to sing, instead of despair. God has my sister-in-law in the palm of His hand and I know He won’t let go.
1 Samuel 2:1
And Hannah prayed and said: My heart rejoices in the Lord(!) My horn is exalted in the Lord. I smile at my enemies, because I rejoice in Your salvation.