
Got Keys to the Kingdom?

By on Oct 31, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

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Sometimes I just wonder at life. Why does life have to be so mean sometimes? Why do people hurt each other so often and many times it’s done among people who are supposed to love each other first and most. So, before, I’ve written about the Pace of Life… the ebb and flo if you will. Why do people have to be so harsh and other times also so carefree? It’s almost laughable that I can count on both hands the times an offense has been committed in this household in the last 48 hours. I have some answers here, just wait for it!

I know life is hard. I fell into a coma when I was 10 years old and I slept for 6 days. Doctors said I was dead as a door nail. My parents never gave up hope. Then I recovered fully. When I was 15 I got lost and disoriented and dehydrated all in one night at a rock concert. Doctors today say I had a mental breakdown. It is the key to my ever present symptoms, even today. It took me 6 months to recover. Then much later I dated a guy in college that was nearly a train wreck, but my husband Michael rescued me from that ordeal. Today we live in peace and harmony, well at least mostly, always going to bed with the idea that tomorrow will be different and better than today.

So, just because life can be hard or great, fun or challenging, pleasurable or sucky I know you aren’t reading this thinking… WOW! What can she mean? Life is a choice. Every day we wake up and try to find meaning. But true meaning is only found in Christ and what He has to offer. Real Christianity means thinking before acting and going the extra mile for your fellow man. Think on that today.

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