The sun rises. The sun sets. People go about their business. People die, others are born. What does it all mean? Is there any hope that there is more to this life than the motions we go through? Without love, it is all meaningless under the sun. So what is hope then? Hope is this: a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen or trusting something to happen. So is youth wasted on the young? Is there hope that there is something more to this life than all the motions we go through on a day to day basis?
My answer is YES! A thousand times yes. God is intertwined in everything we do. All the tasks we do, all the homework and lesson plans, grocery lists, spreadsheets, and anything else I didn’t name. He is always there, wanting to be a part of our lives and an integral role in our day to day lives. He wants to be a part of our lives a to z, beginning to end. So I know you are tired. I know you don’t want to hear anymore about hope for a better future. But I’m telling you it’s right here! Right here before you, in your grasp is life to the fullest. Won’t you answer my plea? Check Jesus out. He has all the answers. He has everything and more to offer you. Won’t you answer? Please say yes.
Here’s a prayer from my journal to end this.
You are forever great. I just love you so very much. Help me love You more. I just want what You want. Your plan is always better than mine. You are so beautiful. I just want to be with You. Help me wait. I can’t believe I get to be here with You. You say You love being here with me. We do so many things together. Always better with You.
Lastly, I encourage you to subscribe. I’ve been writing more often more recently. I hope you enjoyed this post. Do comment!