Have you ever wondered why people are so depressed and sad all the time? (And on screen time so much?) I try to get outside to go on walks and enjoy the fresh outdoors. But sometimes I forget to meditate on the goodness of God, and instead I turn my focus inward. Me me me. My problems seem to grow and no matter how I try to change my situation, my problems just grow and grow. Satan, the deceiver, loves to harp on my problems and thereby distort my view heavenward. He loves to inch in and nit pick on everything. It’s so good to know, however that God always wins in the end. In fact, it is true that He has already won the battle and the war. Even before the problem arises, God has already fought for you. So what happens when I try to focus on Jesus instead of my growing problems? I start to notice people more and how to serve them when I think of Jesus and lift my gaze heavenward....