
Delve Into His Heart With Me

By on Jan 4, 2019 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

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Satan had me in his grasp all of but a moment. He had me fooled to believe I wanted something that was bad for me. But now I am reminded that if God be for me, who can be against me? Then Jesus reminded me of His promises, which are always true. At the sound of His name, armies quake and men fall over dead. At the sound of His name the oceans roar and the birds sing. The sun rises and the sun sets all in a day with glory to His Name. At the sound of His name, I can stop and praise His holy Name. He is so beautiful and lovely, worthy and just, righteous and full of terror for His enemies. At Your hand, babies are born and at Your hand, old men die. My confidence is Your faithfulness.


Oh my Jesus! You are my best friend! Nothing will ever change that. You are the Lion of Judah, and You care for me. You love me as I am, and yet as I become more like You, You love to see the changes that are made in my character. You are beautiful, my sweet sweet song. You unravel me, like a melody, and all I hear is Your sweet sweet song. Songs of deliverance, from my enemies… I need You Jesus, come to my rescue…Where else could I go? You give me pictures in my mind, so sweet and intense. They are Your beautiful way of telling me Your mind about things.

Hope you enjoyed this and it wasn’t too long. Love you all my readers! Thanks for staying tuned in to my heart.




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