I just wanted to clarify a big issue for me in my life that I have at this very moment. In the last blog post I touched on some difficult restrictions. I in no way meant to make anyone look bad. I was trying to help you understand some things I wrestle with. But I hope you realize my intent wasn’t to make anyone look bad. My intention was just to share some things I wrestle to understand.
My husband Michael is usually God’s picture of grace to me. He helps me to see the bigger picture. He is always trying to help other people and I see a selfless servant that he is. He demonstrates truth and is very black and white about things. It’s something I’ve realized with him that he is very direct in how he handles things. God really knew what he was doing when He gave me Michael. He is such a great leader and he is so good with money.
My parents and in laws have been there for me and Michael time and again. They help with the boys taking them to and from school and this past school year I’ve gotten to know my father in law quite a bit better. I’ve enjoyed him a lot. My mother in law helps going to get kids twice a week so I’ve enjoyed spending some time with her as well. My parents help more on the weekends, taking the boys 1 to 2 nights a week to give my husband Michael and I time to ourselves.
Above all I want to thank my God and King for getting me through these past few years. All along the way He has been providing helping hands. Well, I’ll try to not make this too long. I hope you have been enjoying my newest blog posts. Thanks for tuning in.