
God is Enough

By on Sep 28, 2019 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

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God is my Everything. By that I mean that I incorporate Him into everything I do. When I mess up, when I please Him, when I exercise when I get rewarded for my love of Him, it’s all God working in and through me to accomplish His good purposes in my life and for His glory. In my recent years I have learned that God is enough. Through every trial and purpose and finality of circumstances I’ve learned that my God is enough. Sometimes I am in want and need to remind myself of this. Sometimes I can get excited about the future so much so that I forget to be thankful for the present. I get excited about the many things going on in my life while Jesus points the way to bigger and better things. But I must learn and relearn to be content with my life as it is. I was talking to one of my sisters and she was encouraging me to be thankful for the present and how good I have it. I’m thankful for her and that I am grateful that I haven’t had to be hospitalized for 2 years and 2 months! I am glad many people love and care about me. I will never be left by by the roadside with no one to love me. I’m learning to cook more and trying new and exciting things. I’m doing better in school and hope to make two A’s this semester. I’m listening to the voice and intent of my husband and try to come together in unity as often as we can. I know he loves me and wants to see me do well.

Thanks for reading! I hope you can subscribe so you can get an email every time I write one of these, which lately, isn’t often. Be blessed! And know that hey, if God is for you who could ever stand against you!

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