I don’t know what it is about the warmness of summertime? I love everything about it. It’s cookies and milk under the covers and a late night movie at the mall. I love everything about the summertime. I like the heat from the sun and just how it warms everything in sight. and getting ice I used to love playing with the neighboor hood kids after school growing up. Thinking now on it, there is good evidence to support playing after school is a good thing. Exposing your kids to a little time of rough and ready is a ok. I won’t be lengthy but lately I have been finding that if God is for us, who can be against us! I know that my Savior lives! There is such freedom in that. He died, and came back to life in only 3 days. He didn’t wait 4 or 5 days but came back RIGHT WHEN HE SAID HE WOULD!! 🙂 We serve an on time God yes we do. Hope your Christmas and New Years was as...