
Experience Freedom in Me

By on Mar 19, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 2 comments

With all these health concerns about the Carona virus it can be tempting to panic and have a lot of anxiety concerning the virus. I have been cleaning everything in our apartment-the sheets the knobs and handles and light switches too. And we have been cleaning the sinks, the counters, tables, everything! That being said, I hope you can get outside today. Me and my kiddos spent time outside this morning riding bikes while I ran. The sky is glorious and the temperature is just right for a walk, run, or bike ride. Later I am going to ride my bike to my in laws who live right up the rode so I can go swimming-a great exercise! Then we will go, my husband and I to a get together of people from the Bus Outreach for some Barbeque! I want to offer you a little bit of hope today. Jesus is still in control, and He has got this! We need to do our part and let Him do the rest. Give your worries...

And the Change Starts with Me

By on Mar 18, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

Where does my life begin and yours end? Why does it seem everything is so complicated instead of basic? Why do I keep having issues with those I love the most? Ah. Good questions. Good questions about boundaries and natural self-worth. Having kids changes one’s world forever. I live not only for me and my husband but now too for my children. So much of life is full of ups and downs, of heart aches and yes also full of joys. If I can take life a little sip at a time instead of trying to swallow gulps of air as they come… That would be a beautiful thing. If I can realize that I am different than you and that makes it ok that we make different choices having different ends as well, then that will be a beautiful thing. If I can trust my Creator in His wholeness and light then that, my friends… That is a beautiful thing!!!

Signed sealed delivered, I’m yours!

By on Mar 12, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 2 comments

Sometimes I wonder at the simplicity of a song. Some songs are lengthy and boring, but I think the best songs are simple and clear. Life is sort of like that for me too recently. The simpler the better! The way our world is headed for hell in a handbasket makes me want to cling to my Jesus all the more. Whether it is a mass virus like Corona or a sick relative or death in the family or a hard situation having to let a friend go, life is HARD! Isn’t it? I am so thankful that God has always been for me, and not against me. I am thankful that He helps me thwart the plans of the evil one. He only has as much power as I give Him, for my strength is in the Lord. These days the News has nothing positive to say. Which is one reason why we don’t have the news! (Haha). Staying upbeat and positive in this current age is something that can be hard to do. That’s why it’s...