
And the trick is to WAIT

By on Apr 7, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

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I am so enjoying getting to write to you more often lately! It is the “fresh” part of my life and I get so many good vibes from it! So thank you so much for reading. I don’t get a lot of feedback form you, but I gather you enjoy my writings.

Have you ever HAD to wait a long time for something? Maybe like when you were a kid at Christmas you asked your parents for something and for a whole month you had to wait to open the gift you KNEW you were getting. And then what happened? Maybe you were disappointed . But maybe, just maybe, you were surprised with something even better than what you asked for.

And what is life anyway? Things are just things… it’s memories and the people we share the memories with that matter in the end. I’ve been waiting a long time for something special. I wanted to have children and then all the sudden I got two at once! I am praying and seeking God to see if He would have me have more one day. And he has promised me more: a son and a daughter! Which blows my mind for several reasons. When I was really sick in my brain from bad medicine several years ago I was on a date with my husband and God promised me a daughter. That’s God showing up for me when I needed him! Then I was in the shower some time ago and he promised me a son. I was like “Lord! Twins again?” (haha I am joking…) which would be really shocking! So I don’t know how God is going to provide. All I know is that HE WILL, since He doesn’t ever go back on His promises.

So if we wait for God to work, you can be sure He will! Believe it!

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