He is my very heartbeat and He will always answer the cry of my heart. He never sleeps and He shows me His realm of splendor where He lives in the clouds. Whether I’m on a bike ride with my family or trudging up 30 min of the tallest staircase or walking and talking with a beloved friend… God is there with me.
All my life is in You. All my hope is in You. All my breaths and days are in Your hands. Protect me and my beloved ones from the evil one. He is puny since at the end of the day You always have my heart. You fight for me. And You love to give me good gifts.
If the mountain is there? Could you lift it on your mighty shoulders and hurl it in the sea? Nothing is too hard for You. Previously I have desired more children of my own but it seems the only way we can have more is to foster or adopt. I don’t know what His will is on this. Would you readers pray for me and our future as a family?
I talked to Kerry from Focus on the Family at length yesterday. It is the cry of my heart for the unborn. I’m hoping to be praying for the young moms. Did you know there are 440,000 children who have no homes in America? Of these, 100,000 are waiting to be adopted. THAT IS A HUGE deficit folks. What can we do for children like these? We can pray for their hearts and for their safety. We can hope that they find good Christian homes that will take them in. Do something! Church rise up!
I ‘ll leave you with this thought. If God be for us, who can be against us?