So you are at a park. The breeze tickels your ear as your kids run and feed the ducks. Your wife says something sweet that only you can hear as the clouds cover the sun. What a blessing to be with family and friends this Christmas season! What great memories made together as we run to the cross. What a blessing to have Him so near. Lately I’ve been clinging closer and closer to Him and let me tell you, it’s a beautiful thing.
I’ve been praying for some major changes in our family! Only God directs but as He speaks to me and to Michael He will effectively lead us to the place He wants us. I hope this Christmas season you can remember WHOSE you are. Remember Who speaks to you and WHO is leading you. Our God is awesome and perfect in form and wisdom. He WILL help you find Him. So if you ask Him to teach you, He will show you how to listen to His voice!