I am so sorry my readers for making it so long since I’ve written a blog post for your enjoyment. We were able to buy the house of our dreams and have been so busy making our house our home and that has kept me and my hubs very busy! Always making time for our Savior and Lord: reading His Word and praying during my daily two hour naps has kept my days quite full. I love riding my new bike that I got as a birthday gift from my Dad and Mom. It’s a Margaritaville yellow with pineapples and a bottle opener and a basket on the front and rack on the back. It’s a cruiser and I love to steal away on it when I can even if it’s by myself.
God has been great in continuing to reveal Himself to me over these past few months. Since my doctor’s appointment on June 11 I’ve been able to stay relatively stable so not going too high or two low. I want to show my husband and myself and my doctor that I can stay stable so we can work on lessening the meds which are so very much right now in that impact. We will only able to do start on this if I can stay stable for 6 months to a year. Please be praying for that.
I love the way God works. Revealing Himself to me in song, praise, prayer, and so many other things. My children, the love of my husband and so many many many favorite family and friends. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and the way you influence me.
Well, that’s it for now! Read Ezekiel 1 to 5 if you want a page turner. That’s where I am right now. Ezekiel is God’s messenger to the willful and sinful body of Israelites. He says things they don’t want to hear. Enjoy this POWERFUL section of Scripture.