Right? God is so good and lately I am finding Him to be so incredible and worthy of my time and my life and my searchings and comings and goings. I am just so thankful that He speaks, sometimes audibly, to me and comforts me and shows me how to fall more in love with Him each day! God curses those who come against Him and blesses those who seek Him hungrily. He is for me regardless of how much I thirst for Him… He is so wonderful. He is so GOOD! I know He always wants the best for me. I could never do without Him! I love thirsting for God! In His Word reading as much as I can, or praying or being with my family. And the Lord said, “Come up to Me into the mount and a cloud covered the mount. And the Glory of the Lord abode upon the mount and the cloud covered it for six days. On the seventh day, He called unto Moses out of the mist of the cloud and the Lord spoke. These...