
A Faithful GOD

By on Feb 8, 2025 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

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SO I may not know your name, I may not know where you are from or how you got to the place you are at right now, right at this moment. I know it may sound strange, but in a small or BIG way, I am pulling for your success and for all that you do to be turned to GOLD, as you seek God every day in His Word and in prayer, asking how you can better listen to the still small voice. Praise binds Kings!! And God alone appoints them to office (think about THAT, now will you?)

I don’t know about you, but sometimes Abba’s voice is LOUD and CLEAR… it’s in my head and in my heart. But there are OTHER times it comes as a whisper, reminding me not only of His supreme love, but also correcting me where I need correcting. It really is a beautiful relationship that Abba Daddy and I have. Sometimes I find my mind and heart in such a state that I literally CANNOT think or pray. Because of my current health situation, it’s true that God works behind the scenes in my life, while I suffer and struggle to make it through just one day or do REALLY well (like today)! We MUST be getting closer to stability!! I can just taste it.

But He always has a plan… Doesn’t He? There’s always a reason (even if it’s not so obvious) as to “WHY” He is doing something, no matter if I can comprehend or wrap my head around the “WHY”. But honestly, the WHY isn’t really the KEY here. IF Jesus is holding my hand, or sometimes CARRYING me through something, I know I can TRUST Him! to see me through, right?

Lastly, I wanted to ask YOU, dearest reader, to PRAY for me! On February 21 at 2 pm, I am hoping to start a new therapy for the depression part of my extreme Bipolar 1 disorder. It’s called “TMS” Neurostar and stands for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (therapy). It’s basically NOT scary, and it’s helped A LOT of people so far using a simple magnet to “wake up” areas of the brain that are sleeping because of the depression. So it’s NOT medicine, but a procedure, and I will do it 20 minutes a day for 4-6 weeks daily.The location is here local in Brevard County with Livewell (praying insurance covers the bulk of the cost). I KNOW God will provide. But Livewell offers intense CHRISTIAN counseling such as “emotional regulative therapy” as well as having all the tools to help me start the therapy. I’ve seen Dr. Mike Ronsisvalle in May of last year, but because of finances, we didn’t go further with therapy at that time. He is the founder, but his sister (not sure her first name) has an office closer to where I live, so I could drive there more easily than the main office by the local Zoo.

All that to just aid you in your prayers and whenever you think of me… Finances SHOULD NOT be the only factor, especially if the first treatment is successful!! Please keep me in mind.

I love you all, my readers! Hope to give you a positive update, maybe even on February 22 (the day after my first appointment with Ronsisvalle. 🙂

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