
Love is Worth Everything

By on Jul 6, 2016 in Eternal Thoughts | 1 comment

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I have known my mother law, Cathy Frye, since I was twelve years old.  In the last 5 or 6 years since being engaged to and then marrying her wonderful son Michael, Mom has become a key player in my life specifically. We moved back from Texas almost 3 years ago and she has never stopped in her tireless efforts to help. Day in and day out. That is so huge isn’t it! And it’s not a “Let me help you, MY way.” It’s like more suggestive and kind in it’s approach. She is so loving and compassionate. Even and especially Without words, I can clearly see how she is trying to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus to me. She helped care for my boys when I was too sick to care for myself.

I have mentioned to you, my Reader, about the pictures I sometimes get from the Lord. These pictures are always consistent with what God is telling me or teaching me. I become more aware of the spririt world, but it is never scary because I know who gives me the good pictures. Anyway, I wanted to share my newest about Mom. I am thinking about how much help Mom gave me today. She is at a big race. But then… Even before the gun sounds to start the race, she has her feet in those brace things at the start. Then as she looks up, she realizes she has already finished her race and is somehow already at the finish line, staring into the eyes of her Savior. Jumping up and down in celebration, laughing and dancing all the way though, she is trusting that He knows the way and will lead and minister to her spirit. God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him and He loves to encourage me because sometimes He is the only one who knows that I need help, and the best way to give it to me.

So what do we do while we wait patiently for the prize? Going to the finish line? We always need to come back to His heart, remembering Who has called us and how MUCH He loves us. So yes! Run and do life right, but Do spend it with Him. He knows the best way! He wanted to help you in a way only He can. He made you intricately, so He knows how to help! He wants me to draw my strength from Him (in Prayer, in Song, in the Word, and out with people… and just being quiet too!).

So to wrap it up, what if our time was spent intentionally? What if it was spent with purpose so we made each moment count? What if I learned to hear His voice (its Blessed! to hear Him) instead of changing what I do to please others. There is always a balance and I realize that. There is and should be an order TO THINGS (and the way/how we do them). Why don’t I just follow the best plan for me? Aren’t we supposed to be doing life “together”? But remember. The LIGHT within us does not need to be reminded of the darkness. We need to walk as children of the light.

Thank you my Readers. Your time is worth it to me and I enjoy hearing from you.


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1 Comment

  1. Mom

    July 9, 2016

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    Your words are so uplifting! God has knit our hearts together like an intricate tapestry of His love – weaving His story of His life into ours. I am thankful we are running His race together! Marantha, come soon Lord Jesus💖Jesus

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