
Complete and Total Rest with Abba Daddy

By on Mar 12, 2017 in Eternal Thoughts | 2 comments

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When you think of REST, what do you think of? A lazy afternoon nap with your toddler? Waking up after a full night’s sleep, refreshed and ready to go? Coffee? (LOL) That nodding head in the back of your college class? The first definition of the word “rest” from Miriam-Webster is: repose, sleep; specifically: (and) a bodily state characterized by minimal functional and metabolic activities. So you might agree sleep can be a great kind of rest, but if not coupled with a disciplined life, good sleep alone is not enough. The kind of rest I want to hone in on here is completion, complete satisfaction with who I am and where I am going, and contentedness. Sometimes it’s nice to have a “Selah” moment, but in this day and age, and especially with video games, Pokemon GO, schedules, agendas… these brief moments of reflection get forgotten. We forget even HOW to do it. So what is a mind at rest? A heart complete.

When I think of this heart-warming rest, I think of drinking the perfect cup of tea. The warmth goes into the deep recesses of your body and you feel so good! No, reader, this rest I seek is way simpler. I can seek it any time of day.  For you it may mean reading a delightful book. I used to like to play my clarinet, it was very soothing. Everybody has to find their favorite way to relax. My favorite is the next definition of rest: freedom from activity or labor. What is relaxing? Maybe a quick definition is “taking it all in.” Be still a second! Hold your horses! Ponder…What a concept! Think, discern, then speak! Aha! There you go.

Now what do you think of when I say the word “Stress?” Do you think of doctor’s appointments, grocery shopping, soccer practice, and a host of other things on your weekly list? Do you think of to do lists and deadlines on projects at work? Well, I serve a God outside of space and time. Having a disciplined, controlled life means I make time for me. It means I make time for what is more important first, then I make those things priority, like at the forefront of my mind. If we could only live as people who put “important” things (like people, self-reflection, etc…) before urgent things, we could change the world! I mean, I’m a mom of two 3, almost 4 year olds. I try to make them a priority by talking to them throughout our day together. On frustrating days, we talk more about Jesus than other days. But do you see? My kids just like to be with me. “What are we doing today? Where are we going today Mommy?” I try to take it a day at a time, as it’s easiest for me right now.

But if God is a God of today, and of the future; then we need to stop living in the past. Put all you can’t handle at the moment at the cross, and learn to give yourself grace too.  The way Jesus sees me is a work in progress, hopefully growing closer to His heart each day. Sometimes I have a week where I lean on Him more in song, prayer, etc… but then the next week I can barely find time to prioritize my activities. So this week I am determined to make more time for my Savior. He is worth everything… and you know something? He understands! He understands your worries, your past guilt, your attempts to succeed, and He is always there when you fail. God is always wanting us to trust in Him. One step forward at a time! If you only see a little light per day, congratulations! He is holding you up, pointing out your way.

Other times, I feel as if God has given me almost limitless energy, so I must be careful to make wise decisions about daily living. I have to remember “me” in my planning to work on being a person at rest. Living with complete wholeness and peace means seeking Him for constant complete refreshment from His hand. Even just like the birds feed from His hand, we must also seek His will and His face about our daily struggles. You see? He wants to be there for you, but how can He unless you invite Him in? Ask Him how to dream big, especially if you struggle to do so. That makes it even more important!

This life I live can be lived with complete wholeness and peace. How can I stay talking constantly in complete refreshment from the Maker Himself? I can simply choose to spend time with Him. Remember though, His point of view is very broad, and He has a plan for each of His children that somehow twines together to form His holy will. O! If I could but focus on this when my kids are screaming, or when I’ve had enough, or when I’ve let someone down. How many people have lived since the beginning of time under the Savior’s care? Trillions and trillions! And many more since I’ve been alive!

God is BIG, and His power always comes back to the hope of the Cross as His eternal focus is all about Jesus. And yet, He loves me (and you) with such a passion and ferocity, that maybe it’s enough to just think about His love this week, for you. It encompassed the grave, and death was beaten forever on that Sunday morning! Glorious! And I (along with yourself), are evidences of the pursuit of God. We all need to get to know Him more. Let’s live out our faith this week, and if necessary, use words to do it. Jesus is worth it! Ask Him for the desires of your heart, and choose to go with Him in hand.

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  1. Rob

    March 13, 2017

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    I love you honey. Rest is indeed important. Like medicine, the balm of Gilead. It is so easy to feel consumed. Especially when you have wonderful/ active twin boys. But hey, they are worth every second.

  2. Dad

    March 25, 2017

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    Rest is so sweet indeed. I’ve been enjoying a few daze myself up here in them thar hills. It took me a day to rest, to settle in. But i am looking to snuggle into the vestibule of God’s center. Love you honey

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