
My Sweet Sweet Song

By on Aug 3, 2017 in Eternal Thoughts | 4 comments

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Hello my dear readers. Today as I was doing my quiet time, I was so floored by Jesus’s love for even me, and it brought me to tears. He is so perfect and good, even when I am not. All my problems are nothing for the sake of knowing Him. The things that weigh me down hurt His heart too! Like a loving father, His presence comforts and guides. He is my steady hand, my Rock on which I stand. I was begging Him to let me see Him more, and He did in that moment. I know that whatever I go through, He is there with me, helping me and directing me in the way I should go.

Maybe one way to think of it is like jumping into a swimming pool. As I jump off the ledge, body catapulting into the air, I then come down and the water envelops and refreshes me, just like His presence does. It isn’t difficult to understand, is it reader? Having Jesus in your heart and life is so incredible and amazing that it just blows me away. He is so enriching and encouraging in that He always gives us just what we need-for today. He is so faithful to always give us just enough, step by step, for the day. Any less and it wouldn’t be enough. Any more and it would be too much. He is so good like that. He always gives us what we need. Doing life with Him is better than anything else.

In closing, I’d like to write a prayer here that I wrote recently in my journal.


Where do I begin? Your mercies are new every morning. You aren’t finished with me yet, and You are doing a great work in me. You are so good God, and Your promises are so true. Help me love you more. Continue being my greatest friend. Your words are so true, Lord. You are so beautiful, my sweet sweet song. Keep chiseling away at me until I see you Face to Face. Meantime, please keep ministering to my heart. 

You are indeed a good and forgiving Father. I can never get enough of you. You are my song, Lord. My sweet sweet song. 



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  1. Gay

    August 9, 2017

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    Yes, and I love your question at the end, “What makes you feel like singing to God?” A good thing to ponder, and the first thing that came to my mind, because I’ve been spending time with Him in the Psalms, was this: When I’m wrapped in a difficult circumstance, and when I realize I’m focused on it, that realization reminds me that God is aware of it, caring for me, and escorting me through it! Then I can sing, and after I start singing, then I can FEEL LIKE SINGING. Thanks for asking!

    • Becky Frye

      August 9, 2017

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      Singing always brings me closer to God. I just love the way it helps me feel less lonely. Sometimes, singing makes me want to dance. Beautiful comment. Thank you, Gay!

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