
A Fresh Start

By on Aug 13, 2017 in Eternal Thoughts | 2 comments

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Many times I wonder what to do. From anything like timing of things to the order of things to happen, I know Who to get my wisdom from. This short prayer is from my journal asking God for wisdom.


Please give me wisdom for each day on how to be. I need Your help on this. Sometimes I don’t represent You right. Please give me courage on how to tackle my problems each day. I need Your wisdom, God.



How many times do I need to ask for wisdom? Or how many times do I wish I had asked for wisdom but didn’t-and later regretted it? When I would run on wet pavement by the swimming pool as a little girl, my mom would warn me, “You are going to slip and fall!” Now if I heeded her voice, I would by fine. But if I didn’t, I could scrape up my knees or run into another kid. Another example is this. When I left for college, I was dating someone my college small group leaders warned me I should end it. This was because I was being given a fresh new start for school. Well me and this other guy weren’t dating to marry (at least I wasn’t). Oh, reader how can I emphasize my regret at not heeding their wise counsel! I so wished I had heeded God’s wisdom being given to me through them. It’s all in the past now, but I wish I could redo that part of my life. Life would have been so much richer if I broke off the relationship when my college leaders said to. Had I heeded the voice of wisdom, my life would have been so much freer.

God gives us several ways we can heed His wisdom. The primary one is through His Word and Holy Spirit. If you are a Christian, His Spirit speaks to you on a regular basis, especially through reading the Bible. The Bible is rich with wisdom on many topics-from Proverbs to the Epistles. The next is through other people like my college group leaders and parents or Christian friends. God can speak through anyone but if you want counsel for living a life God’s way, the best way, it is important that the advice comes from someone who knows God. I know God shows His voice through the beauty of nature as well. A morning sky, sunset, tiny newborn baby or songbird tell of His beauty and majesty. Music is another favorite one of mine. I love to sing in the shower, or to my twins before they go to sleep. It’s also very sweet hearing my twins singing Scripture songs with me too. God is so good like that-showing us such a variety of ways to express Himself.

I want to close with this thought. If the God of yesterday, today, and forever is wanting to get your attention about an issue you need to deal with, don’t do it tomorrow. Deal with it today by seeking godly counsel on it. You owe it to yourself to get it resolved quickly. Regret is not something you want to live with. And finally, I charge you to have grace for yourself.  We all make mistakes, so don’t beat yourself up over it. Jesus died to give you forgiveness and a fresh clean start. God thinks you are worth the price, so remember that it’s true. Then you too can have a fresh clean start.

What’s one area in your life you need to ask God’s wisdom for?

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