This is a piece I was writing the other day. Not too far into it, I realized a good friend of our families somewhat fits the piece. She is close with my brother and sister in law. So I wrote this for her. It’s a new flavor of writing for me. She is a fresh face to our little family and I hope to see her at many family events in the near future. She just completed school and turned 18. I wanted to give her these words from my heart. Enjoy!
Everyone is searching for somewhere to hide. Nobody wants to fess up and get a clean slate. Don’t worry Baby, it’s okay. You will have your shot some other time. Don’t give up. Hit hit and one day you too will rise. I know you can. Do you? You have beauty beyond compare. Through you, and in spite of your name to claims, your innocence will be your downfall. I know you can believe again. Believe in yourself and know I am rooting for you too. I may never be your biggest fan (a new one, at that), but always believe you are better, can climb higher, and sail right on through.
On this adventure, know you are always made for more. The only person who really needs to believe that is yourself. Shake the dust off your feet, embrace who you are becoming, and say bye bye to doubt and shame. This is a new era, and you can shake the past off your back. You are moving forward, but you need to forgive yourself first. Then it’s like a piece of cake after that. Easy sweet and refreshing. I know you have so many good things in store for your near future, so embrace the moment, Baby.
You are royalty. Your King knows it. He is whispering in Your ear even now. Won’t you let go? Let go of all that is holding you back… to embrace your best version of you. Believe in yourself, Baby. You can do it! Stay true to who you are. Forget the rest. Sianara. Let your spirit be free and forgive yourself for past whoopsie daisies. Somethings just happen because of other people’s choices to hurt you. Just don’t let it get the best of you. Be free Baby, and know that those safefguards or restrictions are in your life for a reason. They keep you safe. There is a new dawn rising. Don’t forget all the great parts of who you are. Be happy, be free! Die hard, but not young. I love to see the person you are becoming. Don’t forget Jesus, the Master of your heart and the Ancient of Days. He knows your name, Misty! And wants to work in and through you.
Love you,
Becky Frye