
Hot and Cold

By on Mar 6, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

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Sometimes I just want to run with it. Just forget it all and go with it. I have twins that are almost 5 and we have sometimes what can be classified as a fast paced lifestyle. But sometimes it slows down. I make it slow down like turning off a faucet from hot to cold to hot. After a bit I get used to yanking that water faucet so my hands don’t get burned. Why do I like to run with it? I enjoy differing temperature controls so to speak. Hot, Cold, Fast, Slow… I have to be like that in order to enjoy my life. The Lord knows my life is like that. He helps me have discretion when determining how to govern my life.
So today at the park it was refreshing to see so many people mixing and playing together, regardless of skin color, gender or race. It’s so cool to see when there is no bias and the possibilities for fun are endless. People were interacting, all kinds: men, women, children, the elderly. Sometimes I wonder what they are talking about. God loves them all and He is intimately connected with some of them. The kids enjoy playing together. The adults talk about sophisticated things on the bench while they watch their kids play. Sometimes I like to live on the fly. It’s fun to have a free schedule and make no plans. I don’t drive most days anymore (We are waiting for my meds to stabilize). So I usually get to be with the boys at the playground. This is really fun! Sometimes, in the evening I get to take them to the park. They love making friends at the park with the boys and girls there and I get to talk to the parents. Our pace changes during the day. Nap time is still my sanity. Lately Lil’ Michael has been rejecting nap time. It’s ok though. Our day slows down at nap time still.

Sometimes it’s good to just relax and go with it. Trusting God that He knows what He’s doing in all the ins and outs is so key to living a well-balanced life. It can be hard to remember that He knows the way better than we do, just know He always does… 100 percent of the time. After all, He created our paths and understands our suffering since He too suffered. So in closing, I know God has a reason for everything. It’s so important we can trust the God who sees all things. He knows the best way to handle our lives. Consulting Him is the best idea. In order to know how hot or cold, fast or slow we need to go we need to run it by Jesus first.

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