I love the way the earth is after a good hard rain, don’t you? Everything is so new and fresh! You can just feel the newness to it. The birds sing, the brook trickles water, crickets chirp and everything is fresh and upcoming. The sun comes out to play again. Isn’t the Lord incredible and wonderful? If you took all the people that have ever lived and put all their power into one power it wouldn’t equal the power and might of our God! He is all powerful and I just love being with Him all throughout my day. His love always wins and His righteousness through all generations. He is holy, mighty, awesome and incredible and full of might.
He sees each tear that falls and puts them into a bottle. Share on XIn all this, we see how fully intricate He is. He fashions each person in the womb, He paints the skies with a rainbow after a good hard rain. He sees each tear that falls and puts them into a bottle. Someday He will dry our tears with His fingers. Some things are simple and straightforward. I wish more people would be simple and straightforward like my husband, Michael. He gets to the point really quickly and doesn’t mess around. More people need to think how he thinks-black and white. I love what he brings to the table! This next paragraph is from my journal during a hurricane. God’s power and might is shown through the storms.
To be children of peace we must first be at peace inside of ourselves. That means being teachable with big ears, listening to others, and being submissive to authority. That’s why Jesus gave us one mouth and two ears. He knew we needed double the amount to hear as it is to speak. Bring rain, Lord Jesus. We need Your touch-in our lives, in this place. Be present in me, Lord Jesus. Remind me of who or what is important. Be gracious to me O God. Bless me beyond my limits of understanding. Reign down your fire. Your HOPE. Your LOVE. You are holy, Oh so HOLY, Lord God and worthy and O so WORTHY of my praise.
Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash