
Easy Goes It

By on Sep 27, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 1 comment

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Fast, slow. Go, stop. Wait, run. All these and more are the messages we get from our instantaneous culture. Instead of hurrying to the cross when I encounter problems. Should not that be the first thing we do? Run to the cross? But what if we accepted others for the way they are and stopped trying to fix people? What if we never hurried and instead, remembered to laugh and love more while having patience, and to hate less? I know our world would be a better place if only we did this. It’s one choice at a time. Trying to live at peace with all men. I’m preaching to the choir, I know, but hang with me on this.

What if life wasn’t all about me and mine and more about we and ours. What if we were more like a fan, circulating the air and people around us, making it more pleasant for everyone. This is as appose to just a seat heater in the car. A fan makes everyone in the room cooler and benefits us so much while a car seat heater only warms one person! Air circulation is beautiful, is it not? Life isn’t all about you. So just don’t forget that. Pray more, worry less.

And what of all this? What happens when we don’t think more about sharing and caring and lightening each other’s loads a bit? You need this, to have people you can dump out all your stuff on who will listen with a hug and offer you some good advice. Sometimes it is enough to be held.

Finally, here is a journal entry of mine. I know how you love to read those my readers!

LORD! You are so good to me. I love you to the moon and back, Lord. You are just so special to me. My melody. My Strong Tower! My Elohim and El Shaddai. You are My Hope and my EVERYTHING! This world is going crazy but one thing remains the same… You are and you will ever be my Song of Deliverance.

Love, Becky




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