
The Humble Before The Prideful

By on Nov 30, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

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Ever hear the phrase “Pride goes before a fall”? I have. When you think too highly of yourself is right before you fall. Humility means taking the back seat even to wisdom. But as you thirst for knowledge you will find wisdom. Wear it around your neck and keep it in a safe place. Never stop searching and questioning God for wisdom. But it is also important to fear God. Asking for wisdom from God is a good thing. Just be respectful and fear Him, even as you ask. Allow God to speak. Give pause for His voice to become aparant to you even as you ask.

Even when you search the Scriptures for wisdom and inspiration you find time and again examples of imperfect people who mess up and time and again do things the wrong way. It is only when they seek God by humbling yourself can you gain wisdom. I think of David as he was running for his life from King Saul. He constantly sought out God’s voice in his life. He murdered Uriah the husband of Bathsheeba and had adultery with her. Their son died as a result. For one year he refused to seek out God. He was so guilty. But it is only when he humbled himself that he found God waiting for him with open arms, ready to take him back. That is what God does for us when we make mistakes and make a mess of things.

In conclusion our Father God is to be revered and feared. We must humble ourselves before Him and ask and plead for His voice. Make right any sin you have before Him. He may choose to be silent at first, but eventually He will speak. And when He does, be ready to take notes albeit only in your heart. He is mighty to save and He saves me often from peril and from the enemy. David’s life is a great example of one who made some big mistakes and continued to seek God out continually. Remember God WANTS to help you. He wants to hear from you. He loves you as His own. You are HIS!

I’m going to leave you with a prayer, as always.


You know we need Your help to be humble with all those around us. Help us to remember that You are always there, wanting to take us back. Help us not let sin get in the way of out relationship. Help us to make it right quickly so we can enjoy Your presence once again. Help us to be brave and remember that You have called us to something so much bigger than what we can see. No one is an island. Our lives have finality and we are but a breath in the middle of history. Find us where we are at. I love You my Jesus.

Love and For the King,



Thanks to Joshua Hanks for making this photo available freely on @unsplash 🎁 https://unsplash.com/photos/7k2d04pEixA

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