Jumping Or Falling Out Of Bed
What if life wasn’t a consistent doldrum of ordinary events? Life is interesting for me anyway, it always is changing: sometimes in good ways and sometimes in not so good ways. Some days I jump out of bed ready to face the day. Those days I sing praise songs to the Lord while I go throughout my day. I am so consumed by His love and power in my worship of Him that nothing phases me. It is awesome how He uses my spirit, mind, heart, and emotions to show Himself mighty and powerful. He shows me powerful things: many too awesome to write here. During these times everything makes sense; also, I am confident in Him and in who I am becoming as His daughter. Then there are other days when everything comes crashing down. I dread waking up in the morning and my heart and my mind are in complete turmoil. Sometimes it’s as if God has turned His back on me entirely and there’s nothing I can do about it. I have a chemical imbalance in my brain that plays a key part in this. But I want to suggest that there is something more going on during these times for me.
Faithful In The Little Things
Here Are A Few Things I Need To Work On That May Help You Too.
- First is to get consistent sleep. Everybody is different so you have to find what works best for your body.
- Drink plenty of water. Remember, water is a natural healer. It pushes out toxins and helps regulate everything in your body.
- Eat good food. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables! Less gluten found in wheat. Less sugar.
- It is so important to find ways to incorporate daily excersise into your life.
- Find what works for you!
Think of it! God created you different from the trillions of other people He has ever created or will create. He created you to be unique: to exercise your own free will. It is all a learning process and the road is yours alone to walk with Him. Your mind, heart, hormones, brain chemistry, emotions, spirit, and His still small voice are all key factors in how you will respond to circumstances. Sometimes I think it is easy for people to say “Seek God! Just talk to Him. Then you will know what to do.” This is always a great idea to start with. But what about when you are doing everything you can to hold on to what you know and that is not enough for the moment in which you must decide what to do? What do you do then?
Waiting For God To Show Up
This is where is is important to wait. Wait for God to show up. Be faithful with the small things. Knowing that only God is faithful all the time. Give yourself grace! Jesus gives us grace and since He created us He knows we won’t always make good choices. His timing is not ours just like His ways are not ours. His thoughts are higher than ours and this side of heaven we will only get small glimpses of His majesty. So wait for Him. He is an On-Time God; He is never late! He loves you more than you will ever understand. Trust Him with your heart. He won’t ever let you down.