I’ve been enjoying listening to Disney’s newest song from the recent movie Aladdin Speechless. In the song the artist is saying how she won’t stay silent no matter what her story will be told. And the same is true with me! No matter what, I won’t stay silent. The good news must be told. Being a ray of sunshine to everyone I meet must be a priority. Lately I’ve been reading 1 Samuel right at the part where the Israelites made Saul their King, to the chagrin of Samuel who warned against it. I’ve also been reading in Revelation the last few chapters which is just a plain picture of heaven and how it’s going to be someday. I won’t cry and I won’t start to crumble. I won’t let them cut me down. You can’t keep me down, All I know is I won’t go speechless. I won’t be taken in by the tide and rolled out to crash...