
Signed sealed delivered, I’m yours!

By on Mar 12, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 2 comments

Sometimes I wonder at the simplicity of a song. Some songs are lengthy and boring, but I think the best songs are simple and clear. Life is sort of like that for me too recently. The simpler the better! The way our world is headed for hell in a handbasket makes me want to cling to my Jesus all the more. Whether it is a mass virus like Corona or a sick relative or death in the family or a hard situation having to let a friend go, life is HARD! Isn’t it? I am so thankful that God has always been for me, and not against me. I am thankful that He helps me thwart the plans of the evil one. He only has as much power as I give Him, for my strength is in the Lord. These days the News has nothing positive to say. Which is one reason why we don’t have the news! (Haha). Staying upbeat and positive in this current age is something that can be hard to do. That’s why it’s...

Pursuing God at all cost!

By on Feb 19, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 4 comments

Sometimes I have tunnel vision. Sometimes I am all for my Savior and what He means for me but sometimes I put Him on the back burner. Sometimes I forget to read my Bible or just let the distractions of this life get in the way of my time each day with My Savior. Sometimes I lie to myself and say “Oh, I’m just too busy.” (Lame I know). But if every move I make I make in Him is true and good, then that’s saying something. If I can incorporate all I do into all is for Him and by Him… If I stay rooted in Him and all He has for me each day, then I’m not confined to a time limit of 5 to 10 ten minutes a day with Him. If I can surely say I am pursuing Christ with everything I have (like I can say now, today) and I am rooted in His words and promises from the Bible, then that, my friends is a good day. Lastly I just wanted to update you guys on my personal...

Beautiful Savior, hide myself in Thee

By on Jan 6, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

I don’t know what it is about the warmness of summertime? I love everything about it. It’s cookies and milk under the covers and a late night movie at the mall. I love everything about the summertime. I like the heat from the sun and just how it warms everything in sight. and getting ice I used to love playing with the neighboor hood kids after school growing up. Thinking now on it, there is good evidence to support playing after school is a good thing. Exposing your kids to a little time of rough and ready is a ok. I won’t be lengthy but lately I have been finding that if God is for us, who can be against us! I know that my Savior lives! There is such freedom in that. He died, and came back to life in only 3 days. He didn’t wait 4 or 5 days but came back RIGHT WHEN HE SAID HE WOULD!! 🙂 We serve an on time God yes we do. Hope your Christmas and New Years was as...

An On-time God, yes He is!

By on Dec 11, 2019 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

In my everyday life He is good… And He is in yours as well, friend! I am still learning this new system of block style for the formatting for my blog. Please excuse any errors. God has been so good to us. In this season of dryness, His provision still shines through. He always does. I am so grateful for His work in my life. In our lives, reader, He has been so faithful to accomplish His purposes in us. In this season of waiting, He has always proven He is worth waiting for. My God is big and mightyHe is a personal God who wants to know His kids.There is none like HimNo one can stand against HimHis love never failsJesus is amazingHe never gives up on His children Since God never gives up on you, you should never forget His work in your life. I wanted to leave you with this thought. Have a great Christmas everybody!

Exciting Tidbits from our Families Lives!

By on Sep 30, 2019 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. So we know that God is enough. No matter what I am doing or how I am feeling, we know that God is enough forever and always. He caters to my every need and always treats me like the Jewel He created. There are different times in my life that I can’t really see His hand or face. These were dark times in my life when I pushed everyone important away from me. But then when I relook at the same God, I can see Him in the background all the time, doing what He does best, helping me through it all and delivering me from the situation. I am so grateful to Him for doing that, for helping me even when I don’t know how to pray. I do know that God always knows best and He always knows how to help me even when I don’t know what to ask or how...