
Jesus IS King

By on Sep 30, 2021 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

The time has come for the day of the Lord to happen. All is made new and all people will serve His alone. The desolate woman will cry out and today the Lord has heard her prayer for more children! ME! 🙂 Someday. The lame will leap, the blind will see, and the deaf will hear. All will be made new for the glory of the Lord has been revealed to them that love Him. Be the hands and feet of Jesus. YOU are my HOPE. You are my life. I put my life in your hands. You love me like crazy and are my everything. Help me put others first. In work or play I always need to think of You and others before myself. HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS. More to come…

When life is like a Hurricane point back to His presence in Your life.

By on Jun 30, 2021 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

I am so sorry my readers for making it so long since I’ve written a blog post for your enjoyment. We were able to buy the house of our dreams and have been so busy making our house our home and that has kept me and my hubs very busy! Always making time for our Savior and Lord: reading His Word and praying during my daily two hour naps has kept my days quite full. I love riding my new bike that I got as a birthday gift from my Dad and Mom. It’s a Margaritaville yellow with pineapples and a bottle opener and a basket on the front and rack on the back. It’s a cruiser and I love to steal away on it when I can even if it’s by myself. God has been great in continuing to reveal Himself to me over these past few months. Since my doctor’s appointment on June 11 I’ve been able to stay relatively stable so not going too high or two low. I want to show my...

Teach me to Listen

By on Dec 2, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

So you are at a park. The breeze tickels your ear as your kids run and feed the ducks. Your wife says something sweet that only you can hear as the clouds cover the sun. What a blessing to be with family and friends this Christmas season! What great memories made together as we run to the cross. What a blessing to have Him so near. Lately I’ve been clinging closer and closer to Him and let me tell you, it’s a beautiful thing. I’ve been praying for some major changes in our family! Only God directs but as He speaks to me and to Michael He will effectively lead us to the place He wants us. I hope this Christmas season you can remember WHOSE you are. Remember Who speaks to you and WHO is leading you. Our God is awesome and perfect in form and wisdom. He WILL help you find Him. So if you ask Him to teach you, He will show you how to listen to His voice!

Promise Secure

By on Nov 16, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

Lately I’ve been dwelling in the Scripture. From the gospels to Genesis and Psalms to Paul’s writing and Revelation, I love it all! Each passage speaks of jubilation! I loved reading the last chapter of Luke this morning about the Resurrection and the disciples on the road to Emmaus. Isn’t it real? How would you like to live in Jerusalem during the days of Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection! WOW! It would have been so great! Through it all God keeps reminding me of His promises to my heart. I look forward to continuing to raise my boys who are 7 and learning so much and growing like weeds! They eat more than me most meals! I’ve also been enjoying working out with friends, running and walking with them this week. We invited a neighbor to church yesterday! And she is a believer but she wants to keep coming with her daughter! We enjoying talking with them...

I won’t be silent!

By on Nov 12, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

I’ve been enjoying listening to Disney’s newest song from the recent movie Aladdin Speechless. In the song the artist is saying how she won’t stay silent no matter what her story will be told. And the same is true with me! No matter what, I won’t stay silent. The good news must be told. Being a ray of sunshine to everyone I meet must be a priority. Lately I’ve been reading 1 Samuel right at the part where the Israelites made Saul their King, to the chagrin of Samuel who warned against it. I’ve also been reading in Revelation the last few chapters which is just a plain picture of heaven and how it’s going to be someday. I won’t cry and I won’t start to crumble. I won’t let them cut me down. You can’t keep me down, All I know is I won’t go speechless. I won’t be taken in by the tide and rolled out to crash...

Forever True

By on Nov 5, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

Lately I’ve been dwelling on heaven. With the world careening around us as more and more people are headed straight to hell, I know that my God is faithful and can be counted on to do what He says. In the end, what He says goes. Every day that passes is one day closer to being with Him. I know I can always bank on that. So this subject really excites me because all will be made right again! Think of it: Righteousness will prevail! The last few chapters in Revelation (19-21) talks about a new Heaven and a new Earth. The old is gone, the new is here! Reader, this should be a comfort to you. That My Savior is coming back again is Oh so incredible. I am looking forward to seeing my grandparents and other family members again. It’s going to be way more amazing than anyone can imagine. Better than anything this life has to offer! Just think of it! Please be praying for our nation...