
Every Day Pace

By on Oct 7, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

So what then? Should we go on sinning to receive grace in abundance? NO! I tell you, no! SO many today think they can get on God’s “good side” and please Him with little sacrifices. Don’t bargain with God. Just talk to Him! He is a person who is trustworthy and will never let you down. He just wants to hear from you. But I will trust in the Lord most high. You give me light when I am in the dark. You gave me life when I should have died over and over. You are simply my most favorite Friend. Your timing is impeccable and Your ways are wonderously perfect. I want to keep this really short today. I love my Jesus and He loves me. My restrictions this month are keeping me in check! Lots of tea, naps, in depth Bible reading and journaling… All are good things. It’s easy to forget that God has things just the way He wants them. In my desire for Him to make...

Christ blesses my faithfulness to Him

By on Sep 22, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

Hello all! It is good to be writing to you again. I feel like something is missing when I don’t write for many weeks. Lately I’ve been seeing God doing some really awesome things in MY life and in my family’s life as well. Unfortunately I’ve been experiencing an over-active thyroid and complications with my bipolar. My mind races and I start having a problem discerning what is appropriate to put online. I always try to provide you with G rated content here and on Facebook too, though I had one post that someone close to me had an issue with. My dreams are usually very exciting and sometimes I dream of heaven. My dreams are very intricate and always have meaning. Since God sends me pictures to my brain of how He sees things it’s cool to have dreams with meaning too. I know in my heart and mind that He speaks to me in many ways weather from nature, my...

How to be Dangerous in a Safe Safe World

By on Aug 25, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

Sometimes I don’t know where to begin. I see a fast paced world where no one has time for anyone else. Everyone has a look alike and puts all them selves into things that don’t have any eternal value. So many people want to get rich quick and they don’t want to count the cost. There is One who paid the ultimate price for our sin. He endured the cross, bearing it’s shame and made it possible for me to be called His Beloved One. This access is open to everyone and anyone. SO I am going to keep this post brief but I just want to challenge you to count the cost of following Jesus. Don’t be afraid to stand for Him. He is totally worth every drop of blood, sweat and tears and He will never disappoint you.

He’s my Beating Heart

By on Jul 23, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

He is my very heartbeat and He will always answer the cry of my heart. He never sleeps and He shows me His realm of splendor where He lives in the clouds. Whether I’m on a bike ride with my family or trudging up 30 min of the tallest staircase or walking and talking with a beloved friend… God is there with me. All my life is in You. All my hope is in You. All my breaths and days are in Your hands. Protect me and my beloved ones from the evil one. He is puny since at the end of the day You always have my heart. You fight for me. And You love to give me good gifts. If the mountain is there? Could you lift it on your mighty shoulders and hurl it in the sea? Nothing is too hard for You. Previously I have desired more children of my own but it seems the only way we can have more is to foster or adopt. I don’t know what His will is on this. Would you readers pray for me and...

Hurry up and Wait

By on Jun 29, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 2 comments

Sometimes when I think of you my readers, and your patient and kind loyalty it makes me smile. I wish I could be with each of you but that is not possible because I am not omnipotent, I can’t be everywhere at once. I hope you are well, Reader. Lately life’s demands have been very difficult for me to bear. But God’s been teaching me some things that I wanted to share with you right now. I have been learning that the harder more sad things in life are equally as important as the happy things. Sometimes I think there are more lessons to learn from the harder things. I wanted you to know that I lost like 25 pounds and while it is a daily struggle, I wanted to let you know I am victorious over those extra pounds! I feel good too! God’s been showing me how important it is to slow down and enjoy the lemonade He gives. It is good to slowly ponder the harder lessons....

Our Father’s Hands

By on May 21, 2020 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

Lately I’ve been seeing lots of posts about losing strength and hope in this world of hopelessness and evil. You can get sapped of your strength and can start to despair and get downcast because you can’t rely on your fellow man for help and love. There’s a place in the sun where she’s never been would she do it the same as she did back then? I know for myself I’ve been doing well, but there are so many sick and dying and discouraged persons who need a little encouragement and love from SOMEONE!>!>! So I offer you this. The Father’s hands. He can take all your pain and will deliver His love to you if you let Him. He is waiting with open arms and a love so deep you can’t even fathom it. He wants to be your Everything. And He wants to be your friend. Won’t you let Him?