
This is my Love Song to You

By on Mar 8, 2019 in Eternal Thoughts | 1 comment

Jesus, the most beautiful Name of earth. Jesus… makes my heart skip a beat just to hear His name. I’ve been learning about Satan in my Bible study. It’s so comforting to know that God has already beaten him. He has already won! So I don’t need to do it in my own strength. If I try to do it in my strength, I have already failed. I know that in His power and might, I can beat Satan every time. He is holy. He is worthy. He is righteous. He is just and true. At His name, rulers stumble and fall. At His name mountains move and the people quake. Just the sound of His name and all these things happen. He made the skies and the heavens and yet we are the only thing made in His image. Think how special that is. One being created in His image. And now I wanted to leave you with a prayer. Jesus, Thank You for all that You are. Thank You for going ahead of us and never...

He Will Never Let You Go

By on Feb 21, 2019 in Eternal Thoughts | 1 comment

God is with those who mourn. He is acquainted with grief. He bore our sorrows with every last breath He had. As the blood was oozing out of his body, even as He Himself was tortured and mutilated, He said not a word. What is the practical application here? Jesus knows what you are going through. He knows what you are dealing with because He already had to bear the brunt of it. He is familiar with our struggles. Hey we all have hard things that happen to us. We all wrestle with flesh and blood. The trauma of losing a child. The loss of a job. Someone dying unexpectedly in the close nit family. A devastating move. Failure to launch a start up business. The list goes on. Life is so hard sometimes. I hope you realize there is mercy in your grief. There is hope in your situation. You know how I know this? Because I know pain. I am struggling with my school right now. I’ve been at near...

Who Loved Me First

By on Feb 4, 2019 in Eternal Thoughts | 1 comment

You know what I’ve been noticing lately? I’ve been noticing how good people can be to each other. In the checkout line, at church, school, or in the park. I’ve been noticing people being kind to their fellow man. At the same time, I know the human heart is desperately wicked. Who can know it but God Himself? I wonder if there is a way for each person reading this to go a little bit out of the way to help their fellow man today. Maybe it’s a estranged family member that needs fixing with the relationship. Maybe that means paying for someone’s food or gas ahead of you. Maybe it means calling someone to tell them how much they mean to you. I know for me, I am going to look how I can bless my sons and husband and maybe call someone I don’t normally call. Look for a way to go a bit above the call of duty to help your fellow man. Be blessed and till next...

Be Faithful to Pray for Our Nation

By on Jan 23, 2019 in Eternal Thoughts | 5 comments

Lately I haven’t been watching the news. And maybe that’s a problem! Staying up to date with what is happening and in our country and abroad should be a thing. So that I can know how to pray for our nation’s leader and President Trump especially. I need to pray for wisdom for him and them. I need to pray for unification and collaboration and for peace. Praying for them should be a priority. I realize this is not a popular subject to many but we are called to pray… and pray HARD for our country and for the issues at stake in the next election. For our children and the world they are growing up in. For their future and all that’s at stake here. This is really short, but I hope you enjoyed reading. Please take some time right now to pray for our leaders and our children’s future. 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble...

God is SO GOOD!

By on Jan 7, 2019 in Eternal Thoughts | 2 comments

Well, my readers as always there is so much to tell you and so little time. I will do my best with the time and words I have right at this moment. Things have been changing for me lately and I believe that to be a good thing. While medicine and proper nutrition help me daily (and exercise and sleep, of course) it has become apparent that I need more help to be grounded. It is never our desire to see me flat lined or “like everybody else,” however a sense of normalcy would be good to have again. We see the doctor Monday in the morning about 9 am EST so if you guys could be praying I would appreciate it. This doctor knows her stuff. She is very good. Thanks for praying! All that being said my readers, thanks for reading all my stuff. I hope you enjoy it just as I enjoy writing it. 4 things I’ve been learning in this short season before school starting for me tomorrow...

Delve Into His Heart With Me

By on Jan 4, 2019 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

Satan had me in his grasp all of but a moment. He had me fooled to believe I wanted something that was bad for me. But now I am reminded that if God be for me, who can be against me? Then Jesus reminded me of His promises, which are always true. At the sound of His name, armies quake and men fall over dead. At the sound of His name the oceans roar and the birds sing. The sun rises and the sun sets all in a day with glory to His Name. At the sound of His name, I can stop and praise His holy Name. He is so beautiful and lovely, worthy and just, righteous and full of terror for His enemies. At Your hand, babies are born and at Your hand, old men die. My confidence is Your faithfulness. Jesus, Oh my Jesus! You are my best friend! Nothing will ever change that. You are the Lion of Judah, and You care for me. You love me as I am, and yet as I become more like You, You love to see the changes...