
What a Beautiful Story

By on Oct 30, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

I know in this world there is pain. I have had pain. In this world there is suffering. I have suffered greatly. In this world there is death and dying. I died to myself and must die daily. But even with all that, there is a beautiful generic beauty in all of creation that even I sometimes miss. To learn to love and be loved in return is something so natural and lovely, Almost a natural reaction in the realm of relationships. Why can’t we be better people by loving each other and yearning for glory? Love actually, every thing that breathes and hold tight what makes sense. Now, I have written a journal entry from today’s events and I hope you like it! Wow, God! You did it again. You show up, and take control like You always do. Be my Christ, my all, my EVERYTHING. You are the God of second chances, won’t You take a chance on me? You are beautiful Oh, my Saviour. So good...

Don’t forget to Remember ME

By on Oct 30, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

Sometimes I am inclined to think this life is all about me. Every part is so invigorating but life can get super tough at times. Hard and sometimes downright nasty. There are great things, wonderful things that make me write songs, and then there is a death in the family, so to speak. Where someone I dearly loved left us to her demise. Am I right? Some things in life that happen to us are too wonderful to explain. A smile at the grocery store, an encouraging word from an unlikely friend, or a hug from a trusted ally and new relationships help make the day better. The ups and downs of life (which I’ve written about before) crowd in and suffocate us either positively or negatively. So what is it then about people and relationships that drive us to succeed or fail? Hold your friends close and your enemies closer, right? So why all the drama in between these moments? Must we suffer...

Easy Goes It

By on Sep 27, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 1 comment

Fast, slow. Go, stop. Wait, run. All these and more are the messages we get from our instantaneous culture. Instead of hurrying to the cross when I encounter problems. Should not that be the first thing we do? Run to the cross? But what if we accepted others for the way they are and stopped trying to fix people? What if we never hurried and instead, remembered to laugh and love more while having patience, and to hate less? I know our world would be a better place if only we did this. It’s one choice at a time. Trying to live at peace with all men. I’m preaching to the choir, I know, but hang with me on this. What if life wasn’t all about me and mine and more about we and ours. What if we were more like a fan, circulating the air and people around us, making it more pleasant for everyone. This is as appose to just a seat heater in the car. A fan makes everyone in the...

Being Cheerful with your Whole Heart

By on Aug 4, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

I was challenged by my husband to write about a 100 words a day and I thought I’d take him up on that. What does being cheerful mean to you? I think of myself as a young girl hands in pockets skipping down the lane in a apple orchard field. Sometimes it is not always easy to be happy and peppy and bursting with joy, but even so complaining and murmuring doesn’t procure anyone anything! Instead it is important to laugh when you think of questioning a God that loves you enough to know how to give good things to us. It may be that crotchety old neighbor lady or some punk kid that can’t remember to not cut through the lawn, but the important thing to remember is that they are people too and deserve to be treated with respect and love. So next time you are thinking to complain and murmur try to let your light shine instead!   Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash...

Lifting up Hands of Surrender

By on Aug 3, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 2 comments

Lately I’ve been thinking about a lot of things. My children have been such phenomenal helpers helping me with my housework today. What if we all were better helpers and griped less? What if we were to lend a hand to those in need. Not only that, but to look for ways we can better the common man. It is such a simple concept really. We are all in need of each other, though we don’t always know it and, as the church of Christ (each individual person has Christ in them) we should reach out a little further and dig deeper to find ways to help each other. Now I named this post “Lifting up hands of Surrender.” We must do this every day all the time if necessary. It’s hard when you are dealing with a negative circumstance but do remember to lift up those hands and shout! Count your blessings and remember that Jesus loves you very very much. I have a unique...

The Pace of Life

By on Jul 19, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

Everyone these days has a watch, or at least a cell phone they can check. Everyone these days are in a hurry. Tick-tock tick-tock. And for what? Why are we so in a hurry? Is it that we are go, go, go for selfish reasons? Is it because we are trying to give part of our selves to too many people? There needs to be a healthy mix between giving and taking time to do personal things. Right now, my kids are in bed and I should be in the shower but instead I find myself wanting to write to you. The pace of life should always be checked by personal needs, giving to others, and taking enough time to rest. It is important to go for it, to achieve and exceed goals and expectations. But there will always be room for that. Make sure to take time for personal development. There will be a time to dream and a time to reach for the stars. But right now let us start at square one. A baby has to learn to...

I Have Set my Heart

By on Jun 20, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him. This is a very intriguing concept. That the Maker of the heavens and the earth, a God who knows my name and still chooses to love me and work through me… A God who sees all and uses the weak to lead the strong-this God wants to be with me? Wow. A God who acts on my behalf and mediates for me… this is a God worth knowing! He is a God worth everything it takes to serve Him. You know we serve a God worth our time. He has all the time in the world and still chooses to love me. I know He is like this because I see the birds fly and tweet, the squirrels gathering nuts and by seeing the oceans roar with the power of the Most High. That’s how I know He lives. I look at what He has made and I think, “Wow, a God like this One wants to know me? Wants to use me in His Almighty plan?” This is a God worth every part of my...

The Hard Rain

By on Jun 8, 2018 in Eternal Thoughts | 0 comments

I love the way the earth is after a good hard rain, don’t you? Everything is so new and fresh! You can just feel the newness to it. The birds sing, the brook trickles water, crickets chirp and everything is fresh and upcoming. The sun comes out to play again. Isn’t the Lord incredible and wonderful? If you took all the people that have ever lived and put all their power into one power it wouldn’t equal the power and might of our God! He is all powerful and I just love being with Him all throughout my day. His love always wins and His righteousness through all generations. He is holy, mighty, awesome and incredible and full of might. He sees each tear that falls and puts them into a bottle. Share on X In all this, we see how fully intricate He is. He fashions each person in the womb, He paints the skies with a rainbow after a good hard rain. He sees each tear that...